United States Anti-Terrorism. Abstract. There has been allot of debate regarding the war on terrorism. The most controversial debate is of the PATRIOT Act and if it violates civil rates. There are several topics that need to be addressed in order to justify the initiation of the PATRIOT Act Jun 12, · The views expressed in this essay are the authors'. President Duterte certified as urgent House Bill , which earlier adopted the Senate’s version of the new Anti-Terrorism Bill Anti- Terrorism Law Opinion Essay The Anti-Terrorism Act of , officially designated as Republic Act No. , was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte on July 3, Terrorism is defined as violence to sow fear and is premeditated, one in which someone threatens to use violence or force which brings or causes harm to person, property, and environment; or coercing or intimidating the
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Editor's note: Philip Baltazar and Anna Bueno are lawyers. The views expressed in this essay are the authors'. On June 9, anti terrorism essay, the bill was transmitted to Malacañang for signing of the president.
As early as January this year, military and police officials lobbied for a stricter anti-terror law, after struggling to get convictions under the Human Security Act of HSAwhich the new bill seeks to repeal. Most recently, the president himself who has admitted in public that his only sin is extrajudicial killings expressed his preference to hogtie online scammers and throw them into the Pasig river.
He also renewed his conviction to kill drug dealers, a statement that came at the heels of a U. When Duterte commands, the police and military obey. Despite the conviction of and the charges brought against erring police officers, impunity looms large, and many of these erring officers anti terrorism essay in the force.
In the midst of the quarantine, a two-billion U. dollar arms deal with the U. Over the years, we have observed the creeping acquisition of power and cabinet-level posts by police and military officials many of them retired in the executive department. The following key posts, for example, are occupied by ex-military officers or individuals affiliated with the military as of date: Interior and Local Government Eduardo AñoSocial Welfare and Anti terrorism essay Rolando Bautistaanti terrorism essay, Agrarian Reform John Castricionesand Environment and Natural Resources Roy Cimatu.
The Anti-Terrorism Bill institutionalizes the level of influence that the military may already have, and it shows they can even railroad the legislative process.
In this respect, the Anti-Terror Bill is already in clear violation of Constitutional precepts. In Section 4, terrorism may include a broad range of acts e. those that cause death or serious, physical harm already punished under existing law, or the so-called common crimes, anti terrorism essay, without providing sufficient standards to classify such acts as terrorism.
Without these standards, certain common crimes may now be brought within the pale of the anti-terrorism law, which could mean warrantless arrests and detention for up to 24 days on mere suspicion. The vagueness in the bill invites certain questions: Do we have enough faith in our State agents not to feign injury at our rallies?
The military and the Department of Defense have already red-tagged legitimate non-government organizations such as Gabriela, Oxfam Pilipinas, anti terrorism essay, and the National Council of Churches in the Philippines, anti terrorism essay, calling them fronts for communism.
But it is not anti terrorism essay persons with past brushes with State agents who are vulnerable. The present administration has never lacked for creativity in weaponizing laws against its own critics, be they persons or institutions, even as we thought those laws robust enough to repel abuse.
The danger in this bill is anti terrorism essay composite: a law that lends itself easily to abuse is now in the hands of authorities anti terrorism essay have been known to abuse.
What is becoming clear is that the militarization of our democratic space has not been abrupt. Abrupt would have been easier to contend with: it would have shocked us into anti terrorism essay a full and formidable opposition.
The manner in which this administration has institutionalized militarization is gradual and creeping. POLITICS OPINION: The Anti-Terror Bill is a law that lends itself easily to abuse. Written by Philip Baltazar and Anna Bueno. Updated Jun 12, PM. Do we have enough faith in our State agents not to feign injury at our rallies? Photo by JL JAVIER. Just who is vulnerable under the bill?
EXPLAINER: The dangers of the Anti-terrorism Law
, time: 9:31World Anti Terrorism Day Essay, Speech, & Article

Jun 12, · The views expressed in this essay are the authors'. President Duterte certified as urgent House Bill , which earlier adopted the Senate’s version of the new Anti-Terrorism Bill Essay on Anti-Terrorism Movements. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: Terrorism and anti-terrorism movements have gained momentum over the past few years, particularly since the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in Let us look at the dynamics of terrorism, and the factors that have led to the re-emergence of terrorism in the twenty first blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Oct 23, · CPT BAYLOSIS-SUSARNO MMT ESSAY ON ANTI-TERRORISM ACT The Philippines for the longest time since the s has felt the brunt of terrorism. Countless lives were lost, and properties are irreparably damaged and obliterated, as what transpired in Marawi in and the series of suicide bombings in Sulu in and this year%
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