Charlemagne. Words | 5 Pages. Charlemagne Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, became the undisputed ruler of Western Europe, “By the sword and the cross.” (Compton’s ) As Western Europe was deteriorating Charlemagne was crowned the privilege of being joint king of the Franks in A.D. People of Western Europe, excluding the church followers, had all but forgotten · Charlemagne Essay February 7, Charlemagne Essay I believe that a good leader/Christian leader must have many positive qualities and characteristics about themselves to rule. The six characteristics I picked that a good leader should be are; perseverance and endurance, proactive, open-minded, merciful, faithful and loyal, and patient Charlemagne Essay Words | 4 Pages. After reading two versions of “The Life of Charlemagne”, one written by a person who lived with Charlemagne, and one who didn’t, it is evident that Charlemagne is portrayed in a negative way by the author, the Monk of St. Gall, and in a positive way by Einhard. Einhard was very close to Charlemagne
Essay Examples on Charlemagne Essay Example
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Words:Paragraphs: 8, charlemagne essay, Pages: 4. Paper type: EssaySubject: Ancient Rome.
Writing a good essay on Charlemagne requires you to get an idea of what to write about. To get inspiration, please go through our essay examples on this topic, charlemagne essay. Einhard, in his The Life of Charlemagne, makes clear the fundamental integration of politics and religion during the reign of his king. Throughout his life, Charles the Great endeavored to acquire and use religious power to his desired ends, charlemagne essay.
But, if Charlemagne was the premiere monarch of the western world, why was religious sanction and influence necessary to achieve his goals? One possibility may be found in the tremendous social and political influence of Rome and her papacy upon the whole of the continent, charlemagne essay. Rather than a force to be opposed, Charlemagne viewed the church as a potential source of political power to be gained through negotiation and alliance.
The relationship was one of great symbiosis, and both componants not only survived but prospered to eventual! ly dominate western Europe, charlemagne essay. For the King of the Franks, charlemagne essay church provided the means to accomplish the expansion and reformation of his empire. For the Holy Roman Church, Charles provided protection from invaders and new possibilities for missionary work.
The blessing of the church helped to unify and strengthen the resolve of the Frankish people as they withstood or conquered the heathen Viking and eastern Germanic tribes. The fact that Charles was Christian and was backed by the Catholic church must have certainly helped keep other christian powers from allying with these barbarians. For Rome, there were suddenly new peoples to convert, and keep from direct opposition to the The Great Christian Emperor.
Additionally, Charlemagne provided Rome with badly needed protection from Islamic invaders. Indeed, charlemagne essay, Charles saved most of Italy from Muslim piracy. Don't use charlemagne essay sources. When Pepin, charlemagne essay, the King of the Franks died incharlemagne essay, his sons Charlemagne essay and Carloman were appointed as his successors.
The kingdom was divided equally between them, charlemagne essay. Charlemagne became sole ruler of the Frankish kingdom in when his brother Carloman died, charlemagne essay. That was his legacy. Charlemagne was a simple man with strong family ties and religious beliefs, charlemagne essay. He was a man of great vision and determination with a diplomatic flair that few men of his time possessed.
His exceptional organizational skills and his belief in education were the hallmarks of his administration. During his reign, Charlemagne engaged in numerous military campaigns.
In order to unify his kingdom, Charlemagne did many things. He created a system, charlemagne essay, which allowed him to supervise his administrators, even in the distant lands. They traveled through the land to check on the local administrations. He set up barriers to prevent invasions from foreign lands. He created a state where law and order were once again enforced after years of disintegration. Charlemagne supported the education of even the poorest of his people.
Charlemagne extended Christianity throughout Europe, charlemagne essay, with his help the gospel was preached to the people. On Christmas day, Charlemagne came to Rome and restored the pope to his position; Roman nobility removed the pope from office, a year earlier. At the Christmas service Charlemagne knelt at the alter and the pope placed a crown on his head. They tried to charlemagne essay his projects but were unable to maintain them.
There was no central power to organize them; one raid after charlemagne essay devastated Germany and France. Although the invaders were driven out, there was no leader strong enough to put an end to the invasions. As a result feudalism arose. Feudalism is a system of rights and duties in which private individuals exercised political power locally, charlemagne essay, instead of through the bureaucracy of the state. Charlemagne was born April 2, charlemagne essay, After he beat the barbarians he restored education and culture while he took his place in political rights.
He became the sole king of the Franks after his brother Carloman died in In his determination to strengthen his kingdom and bring back order to Europe he started a year campaign that Christianized the Saxons in the north.
Which he sent out over 50 military expeditions and he rode as commander in at least charlemagne essay of them. Charlemagne essay it was possible he tried to settle problems peacefully and calmly like when he offered money to the king of Lombard Desiderius to return his land to the pope, but Desiderius refused and Charlemagne took over his kingdom.
The fact that Charlemagne was so very organized was the key to his charlemagne essay conquests. Charlemagne was acknowledged as the ruler of Western Europe in Pope Leo III was crowned emperor on Christmas day in With Charlemagne being rule over the former Roman empire in Western Europe that confirm the split charlemagne essay the Byzantine and Roman empires.
The land he had already was protected by the creation of marches. InCharlemagne chosen his son as co-emperor and crowned him. Trying to improve the people in his kingdom in many ways: he set up money standards trying to promote trade, he tried to rebuild the Rhine-Danube canal, he promoted the spread of education and Christianity, and also he advised better farming methods.
He opened school to young boys and nobles. About the author. This sample paper is done by Josephwhose major is Psychology at Arizona State University. All the content of this work is his research and thoughts on Essay Examples on Charlemagne and can be used only as a source of ideas for a similar topic. Essay Examples on Charlemagne. com, Oct 10, Accessed May 31, comOct Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours 23 : 59 charlemagne essay Our customer support team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST.
If you contact us after hours, we'll get back to you in 24 hours or less, charlemagne essay. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? How about receiving a customized one?
Essay Examples on Charlemagne Paper Words:Paragraphs: 8, Pages: 4 Paper type: EssaySubject: Ancient Rome. Table of Contents. About the author This sample paper is done by Josephwhose major is Psychology at Arizona State University. Here are other papers written by Joseph: Anis Del Toro Drink Charlemagne essay Movie Analysis Social Psychology Neuropsychology Essay.
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Charlemagne: an introduction
, time: 7:49The Two Lives of Charlemagne - Words | Essay Example

· Charlemagne Essay February 7, Charlemagne Essay I believe that a good leader/Christian leader must have many positive qualities and characteristics about themselves to rule. The six characteristics I picked that a good leader should be are; perseverance and endurance, proactive, open-minded, merciful, faithful and loyal, and patient Charlemagne Essay Words6 Pages Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great and Charles I, was not only a king of France, but a commanding historical figure. Charlemagne is believed to have been born sometime around the year Charlemagne Essay Words | 4 Pages. After reading two versions of “The Life of Charlemagne”, one written by a person who lived with Charlemagne, and one who didn’t, it is evident that Charlemagne is portrayed in a negative way by the author, the Monk of St. Gall, and in a positive way by Einhard. Einhard was very close to Charlemagne
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