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Community policing essay

Community policing essay

community policing essay

 · Police Community Policing vs. Traditional Policing Essay Policing in the United States has taken on many different forms and facets in the past 50 years. Although, various modes & models of policing styles continue to be introduced, two main aspects of law enforcement have remained constant, (traditional policing & community oriented- policing) What is community policing? Community policing is a working partnership with a community that helps make the environment a better place to live in. This partnership with the community has goals such as reducing neighborhood crime, helping to reduce fear of Community Policing brings police and citizens together to prevent crime and solve neighborhood problems. With community policing, the emphasis is on stopping crime before it happens, not responding to calls for service after the crime occurs. Community policing gives citizens more control over the quality of life in their community

FREE Community Policing Essay

However, empirical studies examining the effectiveness of this style of policing are limited and most reveal a modest improvement. This community policing essay examines studies that have revealed some of the factors that contributed to the failure of community policing programs to meet the expectations of policy makers. A lack of police organizational commitment and citizen leadership are major factors that have undermined attempts to implement community policing more fully, community policing essay.

Department of Justice DOJ COPS, This level of commitment over the last 16 years suggests that community-policing programs are effective in controlling crime. This research report examines the evidence that supports or undermines this possibility and tries to understand whether community policing really represents the type of police reform communities want and congress expected.

Defining Community Policing The Community Policing Consortium, consisting of law enforcement professionals, public policy academics, and political leaders, defined community policing as nurturing a trusting relationship between community residents and law enforcement personnel with the goal of improving the safety and quality of neighborhoods Bureau of Justice Assistance,p, community policing essay.

iii-vii, This implies that residents become active participants in helping to fight crime and solving other problems. Citizens are encouraged to keep the police informed of ongoing problems in their neighborhoods, assist with determining policing resource priorities, and become more involved in crime control through neighborhood watch groups and other related activities.

In turn, the police are expected to become more engaged in the communities they serve, by responding in good faith to complaints, listening to residents, providing advice, mediating disputes, and being more transparent about policing strategies.

In essence, community policing involves the police engaging in social services -like activities in addition to the more traditional crime-fighting role. Justifying Community Policing The Community Policing Consortium suggested community policing could represent a significant policing reform strategy that could solve a number of issues facing mids law enforcement agencies Bureau of Justice Assistance,p. These issues included the loss of traditional crime control effectiveness in modern societydestabilization of the traditional family unit, influx of immigrants with distinct policing expectations, budget constraints, epidemic drug use, community policing essay, gangsand increasing violent crime rates.

Community policing was also suggested to be a more commonsense approach to policing, because it is responsive to the needs of the community Bureau of Justice Assistance,p. Community policing was therefore viewed as more democratic, because it involved participation of all parties with a vested interest in policing outcomes, including community residents, police personnel, community leaders, and businesses.

Community policing has been portrayed as a response to the increasing isolation that police have experienced within the communities they served Bureau of Justice Assistance,p. Police officers were historically moved around to minimize the chances of engaging in corruption and foot patrols faded from use once the automobile became common. The implementation of random patrols to interfere with a criminal's ability to predict a police presence also interfered with a citizen's ability to predict when they could informally interact with the police.

The use of advanced technology, such as radios and Compstat, used up patrol time with incident responses and concentrated police in crime 'hot spots', thus pulling policing resources away from the rest of the neighborhood.

However, community policing essay, a number of potentially serious drawbacks were envisioned if community policing were implemented. As police become connected to communities, there is the danger of a shift in political power to law enforcement and increased intrusion into the daily lives of citizens Moore,community policing essay, p. These changes could in turn lead to policing priorities favoring wealth and power.

Moore feels obligated to mention that being placed into situations where the police are forced to mediate disputes may encourage them community policing essay become more attuned to needs of all parties, and accordingly develop a deeper understanding of the need for fair play.

This suggestion, though, is moderated by Moore stating, "It would be wrong to be too optimistic about these possibilities" p. In fact, Moore feels the need to suggest that the relentless focus on improving the efficiency of crime control could very well lead to marginalizing the legal rights of the accused.

Implementation of community policing may therefore require, according to Moore, more emphasis on civil rights and public oversight, rather than less. Implementation of Community Policing Community policing involves three core components: community partnerships, community policing essay, organizational transformation, and problem solving COPS, n.

Community partnerships represent collaborative interactions between law enforcement and the various elements within the community that have a stake in policing effectiveness.

The potential partners include other government agenciesmembers of the community, businesses, and private organizations. Examples of participating government agencies include schools, social services, city councilstate and federal law enforcement agencies, and municipal services. Community members may serve on a community policing board, volunteer for a neighborhood watch group, or simply call when they see something that could be a potential problem or crime.

Businesses can help identify public safety problems and provide valuable resources. Nonprofits can offer valuable oversight and the news media can act as a conduit for providing current policing information to the public. The transition from more traditional policing methods to community policing requires transforming the organizational structure of local law enforcement agencies COPS, n. Probably the most important change is in the decision-making hierarchy. Since community policing emphasizes a problem solving approach to crime control, officers on patrol are given greater responsibility for identifying and creating solutions to problems.

The overall effect is a decentralization of decision-making and a shift of control over policing resources to the field. As a result, strategic planning necessarily community policing essay the presence of patrol officers. Other changes include long-term patrol assignments, specialized training, citizen satisfaction evaluations, community policing essay, and greater transparency.

Another aspect of community policing that represents a dramatic break from historical policing methods is its proactive approach to crime control COPS, n. Rather than waiting for crime to occur, community-policing community policing essay attempt to address the underlying problems that could eventually precipitate criminal activity. The problem-solving model is called SARA, for scanning, analysisresponse, and assessment.

Patrol officers are tasked with scanning for potential problems and then prioritizing problems in terms of threat to public safety.

The officers would then analyze the problem, to understand the contributing factors better. The response phase involves developing a solution that would eliminate, reduce, or control the problem. Assessment would entail determining if the solution was effective. The environment also takes a prominent role in community policing, community policing essay, replacing the traditional perspective of the psychology of crime Clarke and Eck,p.

Rather than focusing on the mental state and background of potential offenders, environmental criminology focuses on situational predictors of criminal behaviorcommunity policing essay, such as opportunity. Opportunity can come in the form of an absence of security precautions and availability of targets. The "Problem Analysis Triangle" proposes that predatory crime is precipitated by multiple factors, including the coming together of a likely offender and suitable victim in both place and time.

Predatory crime prevention can thus be managed in terms of having security measures in place that discourage criminal behavior at a specific location, a "guardian" for the victim, and a "handler" for the offender. Typically, the person who owns or is responsible for managing a location implements security measures to deter crime. This can be as simple as a community policing essay driver asking a troublemaker to get off the bus, a bartender cutting a patron off, or a landlord threatening to evict a problem resident.

Or, it may involve a real estate management company installing outdoor security cameras and lighting. Efficacy of Community vs. References Bureau of Justice Assistance. Understanding Community Policing: A Framework for Action. Department of Justice, community policing essay. Retrieved 15 June from www. Bureau of Justice Statistics. National Crime Victimization Survey Violent Crime Trends, Chattering community policing essay window": An analysis of San Francisco's alternative crime policies.

Retrieved 18 June from www. Clarke, Ronald, V. And Eck, John E. Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps. Retrieved 16 June from www. Community Policing One of the renowned names in community policing is Sir Robert Peel who helped found the London Metropolitan Police unit that was meant to be closer to the people than any other time before. Sir Robert had the objective of creating a community where "…the police are the public and the public are the police…" as indicated by Braiden, He envisioned a community where the idea of policing.

Community policing is a strategy that requires both new attitudes and commitments from citizens and new attitudes and commitments from police officers. It builds on the basic practices of policing by emphasizing cooperation between the police department and the citizenry, by emphasizing the prevention of crimes as opposed to just catching perpetrators, and by developing long-term solutions to existing and potential problems in the community U.

Department of Justice [DOJ], community policing essay. Community policing is a philosophy that endorses organizational strategies, which support the orderly use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that community policing essay rise to public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime Community Policing Defined, n. Customarily, police organizations have responded to crime after it takes place and, therefore, are planned to support routine patrol, rapid response to calls for service, arrests.

Community Policing According to the United States Department of Justice's Community Oriented Policing Services Website, "Community policing is a philosophy that promotes organizational strategies, which support the systematic use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively address the immediate conditions that give rise to community policing essay safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime.

Changes within a criminal justice organization: Community policing article review Lord, V. Small city community policing and citizen satisfaction. Policing, 32 4community policing essay, The community policing essay has been used as the basis for several reforms in criminal policy, including the reemphasis upon police foot patrols of neighborhoods and of community policing, community policing essay.

The broken windows theory is supported by several empirical studies. At the same time it has also been subjected to a huge amount of criticism from sociologists and nonsociologists alike.

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What is Community Policing?

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Community Policing - Essay - words

community policing essay

What is community policing? Community policing is a working partnership with a community that helps make the environment a better place to live in. This partnership with the community has goals such as reducing neighborhood crime, helping to reduce fear of  · In this regard, policing in modern society focuses on community-friendly approaches, including community policing and intelligence-led policing. We will write a custom Essay on The Role of Policing in Modern Society specifically for you for only $ $11/page certified writers online Community policing is a concept that goes beyond fighting crime, restoring law and order, protecting members of the society, combating terrorism, acting against social disorder, and improving the livelihood of citizens. Several key components are required for a police service to measure up to the system of community policing

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