The Cuban Revolution Essay - Free download as Word Doc .doc /.docx), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. An essay outlining the main causes of the Cuban Revolution, beginning with the Spanish separation in right through to Castro's guerrilla movement.5/5(6) Essay on The Cuban Revolution. Words4 Pages. The time of the Cuban Revolution was a great deal of turmoil, not just in Cuba but in almost every corner of the world. It was , shortly after the end of World War Two, and the Cold War was taking off between the United States and the Soviet Union. Cuba, in the middle of its own war, was caught up in the international politics of the Cold War 4 essay samples found The Cuban Revolution of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara The revolution began in when former Army Sergeant Fulgencio Batista seized power during a hotly contested election.” One such person was rising political star Fidel Castro, who would likely have won a seat in Congress had the elections taken place
A History of the Cuban Revolution - Words | Essay Example
The society on the island nation of Cuba had experienced many events in the twentieth Century which motivated the revolution. These were all factors contributing to the overall outcome of the Cuban revolution.
Cuba had been a colony of the Spanish empire from till and in the nineteenth Century there many attempted rebellions made to claim independence and break the ties with Spain.
This loss of wealth angered many Cubans and in the first of several rebellions to break ties with the Spanish empire took place in Cuba. The revolt was crushed under the Spanish, there were another six rebellions between and all were defeated.
In an effort to suppress the rising civil unrest in Cuba, which imposed an increasing threat on severing ties with Spain, the Spanish government imposed many restricting and repressive rules on the citizens of Cuba. The laws included laws banning Cubans from setting up businesses, taking public posts, taking legal actions against a Spaniard and travelling without permission.
Marriages between Cubans and Spaniards were annulled dissolved as though it had never taken place. These new laws imposed by the Spanish government created even greater hostility between the people of Cuba and Spain.
A revolt against the Spanish, led by Jose Marti, broke out in To aid the revolt inthe Committee of Cuban Exiles was established in cuban revolution essay United States to encourage American citizens to support Marti, cuban revolution essay.
The Committee of Cuban Exiles also handed stories of the War to American newspapers in an effort to propagate a winning support for their cause. By many of these stories about Spanish atrocities were published in major newspapers became very much exaggerated and even false.
This outraged many Americans, cuban revolution essay, demanding war with Spain. On 25 April the United States declared war on Spain, cuban revolution essay.
Spanish rule ended in Cuba on 1 January The United States had been interested in Cuba from and created many impacts on Cuban society during the Twentieth Century. President Monroe also affirmed that if any European nation would interfere with any independent nation in the Americas that it would be seen as an attack on the peace and security of the United States. These declarations became known as the Monroe Doctrine. The establishment of this act created a close tie between the United States and the countries in the Americas, including Cuba.
When Spain ended their reign of Cuba on 1 Januarythe United States established a military government in Cuba which was present until the Cuban republic was declared cuban revolution essay The presence of the American military government cuban revolution essay Cuba would have significantly increased the interactions between Cuba and the United States, cuban revolution essay.
In the United States presented the composers of the Cuban constitution with the Platt Amendment and warned that American troops would stay in Cuba if the Amendment was not included in the constitution. The Platt Amendment enabled the United States with powers to intervene with both domestic and international Cuban political affairs.
The inclusion of the Platt amendment in the Cuban constitution meant that the United States had a greater influence on Cuba, cuban revolution essay.
The United States sent troops to occupy Cuba as the rebellions were taking place and between and American marines occupied Cuban revolution essay to pacify strikes in the Cuban sugar industry.
This long activity of American forces stressed the ties between the Cuban public and the United States. As the United increased their presence throughout Cuba representatives of the United States sugar interests enforced policies on the Cuban sugar industry which were in favour cuban revolution essay US economy at the expense of Cuban growth. By the United States dominated the Cuban banks, mines, cuban revolution essay, rail transport and tobacco, cattle and sugar industries.
This dominance of America in the Cuban economy shaped a great influence on Cuba. This transformation of Cuba became very profitable for American businesses and was a centre of organised crime. American-owned businesses possessed 90 percent of Cuban mines, 40 percent of the Cuban sugar industry, 80 percent of Cuban public services, 50 percent of Cuban railways and all of the oil companies within Cuba.
These American influences and dependencies created a tension with many Cuban people who believed the political price of the economic dependence was too high and that since the end of Spanish rule all the governments had favoured the United States sugar market. Fulgencio Batista is a key figure in the Cuban revolution of After Batista over threw the government, he controlled the presidency of Cuba. As Batista directed the presidency his influence over the president was absolute.
When Batista became president in to he drew up a democratic constitution. After Batista stepped down the next two governments were repressive and increasingly corrupt. The Cuban public were angered by the governments and another political party, the Orthodox Party led by Eduardo Chibas, cuban revolution essay, was created.
The Orthodox party was favoured to win the Cuban election of In Marchcuban revolution essay, weeks before the election, cuban revolution essay, Batista overthrew the government in a military coup and cancelled the election. The new government was repressive and as president Batista abolished the Cuban constitution, dissolved the Congress parliament and outlawed the Cuban Communist Party.
Many Cuban people opposed the coup and the new cuban revolution essay creating a hostile relationship between Batista and numerous Cubans. Prostitution was also flourishing under the Batista regime. The large Cuban revolution essay middle class were frustrated with their lack of political power and influence which created tension between many Cuban workers and the government. Additionally the sugar industry could only offer Cubans with seasonal work for four months of the year which created an eight month unemployed part of the year.
The large and wide-spread poverty in the rural areas and small amount of welfare and social services were also contributing factors to the decreasing popularity of Batista. These groups were mainly composed of young students. In response to the uprising Batista placed harsh punishment on any strikes or anti-government rallies and even sent government troops to kill the leaders of the rebel groups. The violent and ruthless retaliation of the government created even more tension between the Batista government and the people of Cuba.
No prisoners! From the middle of rebel forces started an offensive against Batista; they quickly captured many towns and by the end of cuban revolution essay year controlled half of Cuba. With a lack of military and public support Batista fled Cuba on the first of January As the opposition against the Batista government grew, Fidel Castro, a member of cuban revolution essay Cuban Orthodox party and Student leader, claimed that the only way to oppose Batista was through an arms uprising.
When Batista led his second military coup in March and on 26 July Castro and approximately rebels launched an attack against Moncada Army Barracks. Castro and the rebels were immediately defeated and Castro was arrested. This attack, led by Castro, against the Moncada barracks would have had an abrupt effect on the government and people of Cuba.
Castro was sentenced to 15 years in jail though was released only two years after his sentence on 15 May After Castro and the rebels were released from prison they fled to Mexico seeking support for their revolutionary effort against the Cuban government.
In whilst still in Mexico, Castro met with revolutionary activist and Argentinean doctor Che Guevara. The movement was split into two sections, the Sierra and the Ilano.
This increase of support was necessary in the effort to fight against the Batista government and begin the revolution, cuban revolution essay. As Castro gained support, from both domestic and international people, creating an image through the media as the legitimate cuban revolution essay of anti-Batista forces and promising land reforms and the implementation of the democratic constitution ofthe Batista government lost support, cuban revolution essay.
In May a meeting was held in the Sierra Maestra where all factions of the rebels met, blame was put on Ilano for the failure of the general strike and Castro was made supreme commander-in-chief of the whole rebel forces. With Castro in command of the entire rebel group he would be the inevitable leader of the country when rebels defeat Batista.
One to be led by Camilo Cienfuegos the other was led by Che Guevara. This new law granted ownership to tenant farmers, squatters and sharecroppers working on areas of land less than 67 acres, and would have appealed to many rural Cubans and therefore boosted support for the rebels.
In the final months of both rebel forces had captured a number of towns and effectively controlled half of Cuba and military support for Batista fell away. On the first of January Batista fled Cuba and the rebel forces entered Havana on the second of January. A new Cuban government was established on the fifth of January; Castro assumed the post of commander- in-chief of the military.
While Castro was Prime Minister he introduced many popular policies. Once Castro was in complete power he started to revolutionize much of Cuba. Though in the early stages of the reform, it could be seen that it was a Marxist revolution, though Castro had never declared himself a Communist he favoured many of their policies, including nationalising the media and many other industries. When Castro visited the United States, he met with Vice-President Richard Nixon cuban revolution essay after Castro left Nixon believed that Castro was a communist.
As Castro imposed more communist influenced policies, cuban revolution essay, the relationship between Cuba and the United States began to deteriorate and Castro began a relationship with the SOVIET UNION, cuban revolution essay. In at a funeral Castro declared that the revolution was socialist and in December of that year stated that he was communist. The Cold War between the United States and the SOVIET UNION became cuban revolution essay central issue in revolutionary Cuba.
In February the SOVIET UNION send much needed farm and industrial equipment into Cuba and in retaliation American owned oil refineries in Cuba refused to refine oil shipped over to Cuba by the SOVIET UNION.
As the relationship between Cuba and cuban revolution essay SOVIET UNION strengthened the United States threatened Cuba by stating they would buy less sugar from Cuba. In the United States placed a total trade embargo on Cuba and in response the SOVIET UNION increased their support for Cuba. On 17 Aprilcuban revolution essay, around anti Castro Cubans landed in the Bay of Pigs, in an attempt the Central Intelligence Agency had to start an uprising against Castro.
The invasion was quickly defeated by the Cuban military forces and the tie between Cuba and the SOVIET UNION strengthened. In Cuba agrees to place Soviet missile installations within Cuban revolution essay in return for aid and support. When a United States U-2 Spy plane detected Soviet built air defences, Kruschev stated they are only for the defence of Cuba. In October, a United States U-2 plane took photos of Soviet ballistic missile sites and Soviet planes capable of carrying nuclear missiles.
American President John Kennedy orders the United States Navy to form a blockade around Cuba in an effort to stop the construction of the Soviet missile bases in Cuba, cuban revolution essay. On 25 October the United States Navy intercepted a Soviet oil tanker and turned back 12 other ships. Kruschev wrote two letters to Kennedy on 26 October, Kennedy only replied to the first and gave the SOVIET UNION an ultimatum: cuban revolution essay promise to lift the blockade and not to invade Cuba if all of the missile sites were removed, cuban revolution essay, war would break out if the Soviets said no.
On 28 October Kruschev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba. Castro was humiliated and angered as both of the superpowers had left him out of their negotiations. Furthermore, the United States was cuban revolution essay to persuade the Organization of American States to end diplomatic relations with Cuba, in response to Castro's "shameful" actions.
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Anti-Imperialism \u0026 The Cuban Revolution For Normal People (TMBS 119)
, time: 14:46Fidel Castro and Cuban Revolution Free Essay Example
Words9 Pages. The Cuban Revolution that took place between – was an armed revolt lead by Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro began his career as a lawyer and activist. He accused the Cuban President, Fulgencio Batista, of being a corrupt tyrant. After Castro’s arguments were rejected by the Cuban courts, he took matters into his own hands Apr 25, · Download paper. Download. Essay, Pages 7 ( words) Views. Revolutions can be successful or detrimental to a country and its people, depending on leadership and politics. Similarly, the Cuban Revolution is known for its ability to break away from the United States, regardless of its political and economic status The Cuban Revolution Essay - Free download as Word Doc .doc /.docx), PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. An essay outlining the main causes of the Cuban Revolution, beginning with the Spanish separation in right through to Castro's guerrilla movement.5/5(6)
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