Time Management and Punctuality Essay Words | 8 Pages THE IMPORTANCE OF PUNCUALITY punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly on time. a punctual person will be a winner wherever he or she goes. a punctual person is always one step ahead of everyone else. most people live by planning work and work plan · Essay on the importance of Punctuality. Punctuality refers to a habit that helps a person make everything on time. A punctual person would always complete his tasks on time. Even if he has to be somewhere, he would make sure that he reaches his destination before it is blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · Long and Short Essay on Punctuality in English. Punctuality Essay 1 ( words) Punctuality is the property of any person to be on exact time or complete any task within the given time. A person who Punctuality Essay 2 ( words) Punctuality Essay 3 ( words) Punctuality Essay Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Essay on the importance of Punctuality - Essay writing examples
TOPIC: [Introduction. What punctuality is? Rules of punctuality. But time and tide wait for none. Time passes and passes. It passes away throwing everything into the dark mysterious cavern of the past.
Yet, it can be made full use of. And only punctuality can ensure the proper utilization of time. To think more concretely, life, be it long or short, is limited by a specified period of time, essays on punctuality. It is made up of time, so to say, essays on punctuality.
For this reason, though life does not mean just a collection of time, we are apt to measure life by the yardstick of periods and moments. As a matter of fact, life is a small event left at the mercy of the never-ending current of evanescent time, both the beginning and the end of the event being imprisoned in the cage of time, essays on punctuality. Life is ruled by time.
As a result, time always passes by, what only remains is what is done during this time, essays on punctuality. Therefore, the life in which there has been no killing of time, and only important works have been done, is not bounded by the physical limits of time. On the other hand, the life that has killed away time in various ways is virtually shorter than its predetermined length measured in time. Therefore, essays on punctuality, to make life success punctuality is a necessity, and punctuality means doing the right thing at the right time, thereby ensuring the least possible wastage thereof, essays on punctuality.
What it all goes to mean is that punctuality means keeping pace with the real world of necessity, or in other words, going with the time.
Punctuality means, in a metaphorical sense, binding time in works and achievements. The man has many essays on punctuality in the society. His achievements and success depend entirely on how he carries out essays on punctuality responsibilities.
If every moment is made good use of in view of the necessity and the stage of life, then it becomes a success. Thought from this point of view, it becomes clear that discipline is a precondition of punctuality.
Another characteristic of punctuality lies in the restriction that no two works should be attempted to do at the same time. Making such an attempt may result in the failure of not being able to do any one of them well.
And it is in this regard to be borne in mind that, man is under the subordination and domination of time, but time itself is a part of work. So, time is to be won over by meaningful works and achievements, essays on punctuality. The importance of punctuality can hardly be overemphasized.
In the absence of it time has no value. The time that has brought nothing to life has taken much therefrom and got lost in the mysterious past. Therefore, punctuality is to success as success is to life itself. If we want to be great in life, we at first must consider time the most important asset. Life lies in work, while idleness means death. The success of any work comes from the doing thereof at the right time.
If it is not done in its right essays on punctuality, even the greatest hard-work can bring about no good results, essays on punctuality. The fruit that ripens before the season, rotten when the right season comes. Likewise, the work that is for tomorrow should not be done today, and vice versa.
If this is done, then the work of neither today nor tomorrow brings any good results. For example, the precocious students who stoop to the studies of the next class slighting away the works of the current classes, cannot get essays on punctuality marks in the exams of the present essays on punctuality, nor can they do will the next year, since they are not well-equipped with the knowledge of the previous stage.
But why does it all happen? Not that they have not worked. They have, but why this failure? The answer is easy, essays on punctuality. The use of time without punctuality is useless. But punctuality essays on punctuality not always mean working and working incessantly.
Rather, it implies the systematic combination of work and leisure as well. Proper leisure is a part and parcel of proper work. As a matter of fact, the man works to enjoy his life, and leisure ensures him the enjoyment of work.
When overwork is tiresome, then leisure means the relief from work and perhaps taking rest physically. On the other hand, essays on punctuality, when worklessness or idleness becomes tiring, then leisure means getting rid of that inertia by undertaking the burden of work.
If the inter-relationship of work and leisure is well-woven with the thread of time and given a disciplined character, it can be called punctuality. It is to be remembered that the leisure which is recognized by the rules of punctuality is not necessarily any idleness. To be time-conscious. To divide time in past present and future, and then plan works for the present and the future in the light of the past experience. To learn from each moment successfully and unsuccessfully spent in the past and apply that knowledge to life.
If we obey these rules of punctuality, then we can be sure that we will be successful in life. Punctuality Essay — Essays on punctuality : Punctuality means to do something in time. To finish any work at the right time is punctuality. Time and tide wait for none. Essays on punctuality we must acquire the habit of punctuality that means the habit of doing our duties at right time.
The man has a lot of duties to perform in his short span of life. But how can he expect to finish them all unless he attends to them in their appointed hours? Importance : Punctuality prevents needless waste of time. The success of both an individual and a nation depends on the proper use of time.
Its importance should be realized in different fields of life. If a man gets up late, he has to essays on punctuality through his works and the result is that he gets nothing done well. He remains ever restless and ever hasty. He may be a essays on punctuality of talent and he may have many other virtues, but all these cannot save him from failure or ruin. An unpunctual man : A unpunctual man does not do anything in time. He is a curse to himself and the nation.
An unpunctual man keeps others waiting and fails to keep his own appointment. The merchant who opens his shop late in the day loses some of his customers. an employee who is late in coming to his office gets black-listed and may even get the sack. Similarly, the lawyer who fails to turn up in the court to defend his client may lose the case, essays on punctuality.
If a train starts late, it may lead to a disastrous railway accident. Unpunctuality in military affairs is attended with dangerous results. Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo simply because one of his marshals was a few minutes late in arriving at the battlefield. A punctual man: A punctual man is a blessing for himself and the nation as well. He never lags behind unsuccessful anywhere. A farmer working regularly and punctually can finish his agricultural works.
He can enjoy the fruit of his punctual labor. A monsoon can build a wall putting one brick after another punctually. The student who is regularly irregular in attending his classes loses some of his lessons every day. On the other hand, a student who is punctual never misses any lesson. He follows his routine of studies carefully and prepares his lessons long before the examination and he comes out of it successfully.
The western people: The habit of punctuality is almost natural with the western people, and it is one of the reasons that has made their nations great. Conclusion: Punctuality is of great importance in life. It is a virtue. Everyone should be punctual to shine in life. The man who does not obey the rules of punctuality can never prosper in life.
He is a neglected figure in society. Nobody loves him. He cannot accomplish any work on time. He leads a very charmless life. In any profession to stand out as a reliable and trustworthy the things essays on punctuality helps one is punctuality.
So to maintain a professionalism it is the most important. This is my personal Blog. I love to play with Web, essays on punctuality. Blogging, Web design, Learning, traveling and helping others are my passion.
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The process of creating an essay about Punctuality generally consists of the following steps: understanding the assignment, identifying the topic, collecting information, organizing the information collected, developing the main statement, writing a draft · Essay on the importance of Punctuality. Punctuality refers to a habit that helps a person make everything on time. A punctual person would always complete his tasks on time. Even if he has to be somewhere, he would make sure that he reaches his destination before it is blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins · Long and Short Essay on Punctuality in English. Punctuality Essay 1 ( words) Punctuality is the property of any person to be on exact time or complete any task within the given time. A person who Punctuality Essay 2 ( words) Punctuality Essay 3 ( words) Punctuality Essay Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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