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Human resource management essay

Human resource management essay

human resource management essay

Essay on Human Resource Management! Human resource management is a separate and specialised function which all managers need to perform. It is that branch of management which is concerned with the recruitment, selection, development and the best use of blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Essay about Human Resource Management. People are the key to business success. However nowadays of business this is often neglected and people are seen to be a necessary expense. A successful business does not just rely on a person’s power instead it involves continuous effective teamwork and communication Human Resources Management And Human Resource Management. Words | 9 Pages. Introduction The study of human resource management becomes a major topic of the science of management at the beginning of 20th century and keeps attracting researchers’ attention (Merkle, ). The new models of human resource management derive from the advance of management theories

Essay: Functions of Human Resource Management - Academic Master

This page of the essay has words. Download the full version above. Indeed, it is people and not organizations that constitute an organization. Unlike technology and processes, people have a soul, aspirations, feelings and emotions.

As such, the concept of people as an asset, do not indicate perceiving them as commodities. In managing people, the manager must practice disciplines based on psychology, sociology, human resource management essay, industrial relations as well as industrial engineering and economics. Proper management of human resources leads to a motivated workforce, a development to loyalty and an assurance of survival and success of an organization.

This paper pays a close look at the practice management of human resources human resource management essay an organization. This will encompass the importance of the practice, functions within this office and some of the motivation techniques that can be used as well as their role in achieving organizational objectives.

Furthermore, the paper will focus an attention to a reputable organization in determining the applicability of incentives and compensation in HRM. The sensitivity and value placed on organizational strategic plan cannot be left in the hands its employees if they are incapable or not motivated. The organization has a responsibility not only to invest heavily in technology and detailed professional processes but also on its workforce and strategic management policies.

HRM as a practice significantly offers support and advice to the line management within an organization. The image of an organization, which develops the goodwill, is largely dependent on how well its human resources are managed McCoy, The management of the human resources assumes the following roles.

First, HRM manages the demand for human resources, human resource management essay. Economies in which organizations are based are dynamic. There are economical shifts of growth and decline that require counteractive measures within an organizations workforce. The said measures demands both quantitative and qualitative procedures within the workforce.

The practices of retrenchments, hiring, early retirements and the contract renews for the experienced are all structural adjustments that responds to economical changes affecting organizations. Second, HRM is responsible in managing social pressure in provision of the desirable environment for the workforce.

The provision of appropriate protective gear while working, pollution free environment and other working conditions is a paramount concern human resource management essay the HRM office Berger, Changes in technology can contribute to obsolescence of the working force which would spill over to the organization not achieving its objectives Jackson, HRM office must always find the most appropriate method of counteracting a technological shift by either hiring people with the needed expertise or by training the existing one.

In developing an organization culture the later would be more appropriate. If the earlier alternative is adopted, the competition pressure in compensation must be properly dealt with. HRM is also important in designing and management of strategic HR planning. Strategic HR planning is the informed projection of the organizations needs for the appropriate employees, both in quantity and quality, and balancing off this with the organizations ability to sustainably meet the demands of those employees for a substantial period of time in the future, human resource management essay.

As such, the budgetary constraints associated with right hiring are cheked. It is also the responsibility of HRM to initiate, alter and human resource management essay job design. In curbing this state, human resource management essay, the HRM office should conduct job enrichment, job rotation, job enlargement and job simplification exercises.

The fundamental issues behind mergers and acquisitions are, more often than not, undesirable and unwelcome by employees Bilsberry, Finally, the HRM is responsible in managing implementation of change. Change may be in terms of process, organizational structure, systems and culture among others.

Changes are the inevitable twists that affect the normal and known paths through which an organization operates. Others are externally experienced due to the shifts in the business environment. The issues aforementioned under the discussion are achieved through the functions of the HRM office. Generally, HRM management can be subdivided into three interlinked phases, human resource management essay.

The practice functions include recruiting qualified human resources, human resource management essay, managing the employees in the working environment as well as preparing and enforcing exit of the employees from the organization. Ideally, recruitment should follow an order closest to; vacancy advertisement, selection of potential candidates, interviewing and contracting the successful candidate s. Once in the organization, new employees are inducted and trained.

The employees continuously offer their service to the organization under the existing HRM measures until they exit. Exit may result from retrenchment, human resource management essay, obsolescence, retiring, resignation or termination of employment. The HRM at this phase has a responsibility to counsel and prepare the exiting employee for the challenges and opportunities awaiting the employee in the future.

If need be, the HRM should have a succession plan for implementation at this phase. Motivation as a HRM activity can completely change the perception of employees while in the work environment. Different people in the workforce are motivated differently across and longitudinally with time.

It can as well be said to be the bonus paid on successful achievement of performance objectives. In general, compensation and incentive can be referred to a compensation package.

A compensation package is the value placed on an employee as presented to that employee, human resource management essay. Compensation can be categorized into three categories. First, there is non monetary compensation. This is the benefit received by an employee which cannot be tangibly valued. Such can include social and career rewards. Job security, recognition, opportunity for growth, flexible working hours, subsidized housing, magazine subscription, human resource management essay, laundry services, elder care, are some of the non-monetary compensations Berger, Finally, compensation can be indirect.

The later includes facilities like human resource management essay insurance, paid leave, moving expenses and child care being provided by the employer. There is a corporate general consensus insisting on relating pay with performance for effectiveness. This may not necessarily be applicable in sectors such as agriculture where many performance results are dependent on factors beyond organization and employee control.

Whichever the compensation used, it should also be fair with the market and not discriminating against some employees Campbell, A job evaluation should be conducted in placing a value on employee. In such an evaluation, compensable factors such human resource management essay experience, education level and job responsibility should be considered. Moreover, employees should be involved when considering their indirect compensation needs such as paid vacation, retirement planning, childcare among others.

The HRM officer should regularly review the compensation package from time to time to maintain its fairness, equitability and competitiveness. Use of compensation and incentives is an importance practice in HRM as it has the following advantages.

First, to many employees, the basic purpose for joining an organization is to secure a pay. Second, compensation facilitates hiring, retention, promotion and evaluation of the workforce. Without mentioning aspects of compensation, the HRM office might find it impossible to convince people to join the organization to work or even the existing employees to assume higher responsibilities Armstrong, For a contract to be valid there has to be a consideration, which is partly what a pay or remuneration package serves.

Compensation, human resource management essay, especially bonuses, which practice sharing of profits with the employees, creates a sense of belonging to the employees. In addition, compensation assists in valuing an organization as well as determining its future.

Usually, when an organization is going under receivership, employees are the first victim as there is reduced employee compensation, which may in acute scenarios deny them their basic livelihood. Finally, compensation and incentives are the easiest motivational practices available for use by the HRM. Coca Cola Company is one of the leading beverage production companies. The firm that traces back its existence in ascribes to the philosophy that, it is people and not technology creates an effective organization.

Employees are regarded as assets and as such their health and benefits are highly considered. Benefits compensations and benefits given at Coca cola company include a basic pay, medical facility, bonuses, picking and dropping of employees to and fro work station, gratuity fund as well as social security.

The company has never human resource management essay downsizing exercise during its existence which displays a good relationship between the company and the employees Berger, human resource management essay, The company also practices an open door policy.

Open door policy provides an opportunity for feedback from employees and vice versa. Compensation package review is objectively done from the annual performance evaluations. At the beginning of every year, human resource management essay, HRM office communicates the objectives of the company and reviews their achievement at the end of the same period.

The training policy for employees is well established to ensure that employees do not become obsolete. For example, new employees get a three month paid training while existing employees get a full free on new technology before they can use it. Training of employees is a non tangible compensation that assures employees of their job security. As drawn from the evaluation above, effective management on human resources requires both scientific and a human relations approaches.

The emphasis is both goal oriented as well as human welfare oriented. Any successful organization must invest sufficiently on HRM aspect failure to which the wrong organization culture will be developed. In order to effectively invest on the human resources modern firms ought to institute humane employee relations policies, reviews on package offered, human resource management essay performance regularly, build motivation-oriented culture and possibly institute open channels to assist in participative management practices where employees are deliberately engaged during decision procedures.

Conclusively, HR practices are crucial for organizational general performances levels and any move to drive the firms towards higher goals ought to be premised on attainable HR strategic goals. download the rest of the essay above.

Essay Sauce, The importance human resource management essay human resources management HRM. These Management essays have been submitted to us by students in order to help you with your studies. Home About Terms of use Content policy Essay removal request Privacy Info and guides Repository Contact Search. Search for an essay or resource:. Discussion Importance of HRM HRM as a human resource management essay significantly offers support and advice to the line management within an organization.

Functions of HRM Generally, HRM management can be subdivided into three interlinked phases. Importance of compensation and incentives in HRM practice Use of compensation and incentives is an importance practice in HRM as it has the following advantages.

HRM at Coca Cola Company Coca Cola Company is one of the leading beverage production companies.

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Human Resource Management Essay Essay Example

human resource management essay

Dec 07,  · This sample essay on Human Resource Management Essay provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Human Resources Management And Human Resource Management. Words | 9 Pages. Introduction The study of human resource management becomes a major topic of the science of management at the beginning of 20th century and keeps attracting researchers’ attention (Merkle, ). The new models of human resource management derive from the advance of management theories Essay about Human Resource Management. People are the key to business success. However nowadays of business this is often neglected and people are seen to be a necessary expense. A successful business does not just rely on a person’s power instead it involves continuous effective teamwork and communication

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