![Importance Of Higher Education & Its Benefits Essay Sample [ 21st Century ] importance of higher education essay](https://i1.rgstatic.net/publication/260075970_The_Importance_of_Education/links/5cfb7e21299bf13a3845c1f2/largepreview.png)
· Purpose of Higher Education 1. Jumpstart Your Career. If you joined your organisation at the most basic level and you are ambitious to grow up the 2. Higher Skill Gain. To have confidence in emerging out from one’s familiar shell and taste unexplored waters, it needs 3. Intellectual Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins · Importance of higher education in the development of my personal life career " In modern society, education becomes a marketable commodity in the market of educational services · In recent years, higher education has become the norm and is considered the backbone of success. When one thinks of successful careers the terms engineer, doctor, lawyer, and CEO come to mind. All of which are high paying jobs and require a college degree. This is because people believe success, money, and college all go hand in hand
Importance of Higher Education Essay for Students [ Words]
Apple Pay is the easiest and most secure way to pay on Gradesfixer in Safari, importance of higher education essay. Home — Essay Samples — Education — High School — The Importance Of Higher Education In Our Life. Every May thousands of families, friends, and faculty are gathered together to celebrate the commencement ceremony of college graduates. Eagerness and excitement are written on the faces of the students as they shake the hands of teachers and mentors. Each handshake is one closer to what they have worked towards for the past four years: a piece of paper that acts as an entry ticket to a career.
Higher education only provides students with rudimentary skills which must be built upon in order to excel. In recent years, higher education has become the norm and is considered importance of higher education essay backbone of success. When one thinks of successful careers the terms engineer, doctor, lawyer, and CEO come to mind. All of which are high paying jobs and require a college degree.
This is because people believe success, money, and college all go hand in hand. This is partially correct because when one becomes the best at their job, they normally climb a promotion ladder until they can no longer advance. Once someone reaches the zenith of their career, that is most likely when they are making the most amount of money. The journey that someone takes to get to the highest point in their career is what makes someone successful, not how much money they are making.
They may have a lot of money but that does not make them successful; it would only make them lucky. A common misconception with success is that grades play a major role. Afzaal and I both agree with the idea that people can accomplish great things regardless of what their grade point averages manifest. For example, a student may barely pass all their classes.
This does not entail that the student will have a mediocre future and struggle to make ends meet. They may have an innate talent which makes them exceptionally gifted in terms of theater. The individual has the potential to become the next Grammy importance of higher education essay Academy Award winner, but that will depend on how motivated and interested they are in perfecting their talent, not whether or not they receive good grades and a degree.
A determining factor in how successful someone may be is their wisdom. Importance of higher education essay is acquired from experience and the countless hours one has invested, importance of higher education essay. This ten thousand hour rule that Gladwell is referring to is the amount of time one should put forth in order to become an phenom or an expert in a specific area. If someone is going to master a subject, then there needs to be a commitment of time.
Higher education cannot provide students with all of the time and experience that is needed to be the best in a career. Higher education does not provide students with a guaranteed career. A lot of students go to college and choose a major that they enjoy.
However, there is a common misconception pertaining to the relationship between passion and choosing a career. This statistic was taken only a few years ago and it is staggeringly low.
After students receive a degree in their specific area of interest, there is no certainty that they will find a job that pertains to their major. But if someone truly aspires to be successful, this pothole can easily be filled and overlooked because that person will adapt and persevere.
Knowledge and brainstorming are vital components to becoming successful. Hooks is conveying that college students are more concerned with memorizing information for tests rather than grasping and actually learning a concept. Students only want to get good grades on all of their exams and then leave that class with nothing more than a few facts that they memorized and a good grade on their transcript.
With a mentality like that, people and students do the bare minimum to get by. This is not the mindset of someone who is successful. If someone wants to live up to their fullest potential and specialize in something, then they must learn the ins and outs because memorizing is simply not enough.
As long as someone possesses enough passion and ambition to perfect their importance of higher education essay, then any obstacle they encounter can be overcome. Every hour that someone sets aside to practice and learn is one closer to ten thousand. Devoting that amount of time to a specific career or area of interest demonstrates that the individual is motivated and has a growth mindset.
Someone who manifests a growth mindset is more likely to push forward, continue learning, and live up to their fullest potential compared to someone who only puts importance of higher education essay the bare minimum and lacks motivation to better themselves. Getting a degree from a higher education institution shows that an individual has been taught the fundamentals of a certain discipline. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
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Benefits of Higher Education in Today's Society - Hanna Jaff - TEDxNishtiman
, time: 13:15The Importance Of Higher Education In Our Life: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
· Purpose of Higher Education 1. Jumpstart Your Career. If you joined your organisation at the most basic level and you are ambitious to grow up the 2. Higher Skill Gain. To have confidence in emerging out from one’s familiar shell and taste unexplored waters, it needs 3. Intellectual Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins · Importance of higher education in the development of my personal life career " In modern society, education becomes a marketable commodity in the market of educational services · In recent years, higher education has become the norm and is considered the backbone of success. When one thinks of successful careers the terms engineer, doctor, lawyer, and CEO come to mind. All of which are high paying jobs and require a college degree. This is because people believe success, money, and college all go hand in hand
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